Supernatural (Part 2)

We may often hear testimonies of individuals who had supernatural experiences. I prefer to believe that they are either “victims” or “conspirators”. Let me explain to you some basic facts and my beliefs about supernatural.

Ghost busters have found that the magnetic and electric fields at a haunted place are abnormal. Also in some places, temperature may fall below room temperature. Let's first deal with the observations. On one side we have the scientific observations (effects) and on the other we have “the supernatural”. Now, comes the important part of logic. Some believe that the supernatural causes these effects. Others prefer to believe that these effects lead to some physiological and psychological changes in us, that leads us to a conclusion like supernatural. So we can see, with a simple change in perspective, we can get a rational or a superstitious conclusion, with the same set of data. So, it's the perspective that matters.

I've said that some physiological changes occur when we are in abnormal electric or magnetic fields. Here are two examples.

In 1998, Vic Tandy wrote a paper called "Ghosts in the Machine" for the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. Some years earlier, Tandy while working in at the Warwick lab saw something coming from him. He soon discovered that infrasound coming from an extractor fan was the reason for this. He measured the frequency of infrasound and found it to be 18.98 hertz, the exact frequency at which a human eyeball starts resonating. This causes the eyeballs to resonate, to produce an optical illusion. Since these are infrasound waves inaudible to us we can't hear it or know it without some detector apparatus. The gullible take it for an apparition.

The solar wind interacts with our earth's magnetoshere in a peculiar manner. It is such that the earth's magnetic field stretches out on to the dark side (that is, night). Some say this field interacts with people's brain. Some researchers say this to be the reason for most paranormal happenings to be at night. Now some medical researches have shown that simulating certain parts of our brain can lead to hallucinations, apparitions, near death experiences, etc. For example, electrically stimulating the angular gyrus of human brain can lead to a sensation of someone mimicking our movements behind us.

There are other scientific facts also. You can simply search for it in the net and read. Many researches have been conducted to reveal the mysteries behind certain haunted sites. Though all were not fruitful, many have exposed the myths. Also paranormal researchers (skeptical) measures electric and magnetic fields, temperature and humidity in these regions and found that it's abnormal. Here comes an interesting part

--> Some say these abnormalities are due to paranormal activity

--> Some say that these abnormalities interact with our brain and mind to cause paranormal illusions.

Throughout this article I mentioned the effect of physical parameters on human brain. The brain actually is like a intelligent processor. The various sense organs sends their respective data to brain. It analyses and interprets it. But, unlike a man-made processor, the brain compares the existing data with previous ones. This is important, because, that's where the ghosts come into play. Often as a child we hear fairy tales, myths, demons etc. So, as soon as an illusion is formed, our subconscious mind relates this to a close resembling paranormal story or activity. This evokes the demon – FEAR who will literally tear you apart!

So to cope with the supernatural, I suggest you to shed your fears (a daunting task!!) or to think rationally. Don't confuse the chirp of a bird with a “ghostly haul”. If that too is impossible, better keep out of “haunted mansions”!!


Free Ebooks said...

why do you change your font every new post.?

It wont look nice if all the post fonts are different.

Trillionmaker said...

I am not afraid of anything. Try to frighten me if u can..

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