By the word 'race', I don't mean the breed of human beings. I refer to the real race, the race of a lifetime. Many have said that, life is a race. We have to move on, leaving the past behind. But, from when did this race start? The moment we were born? No. It began much earlier. It started even before that life was born.
The first race for survival starts with the race between the seeds of life to win 'her'. Millions of spermatozoans compete among themselves to reach the oozyte. There only one will win her. A winner and a million losers! That's how, the first race in human life ends. Then starts the race to be a human being. A cell multiplies a billion times to form an organism - a baby. The next race is the race to earth. A baby struggles his way out to the world. His first cry – his first breath. From the very next moment starts the race that will last for a life time.
The life of a human being is literally a race. He has to run throughout his life for opportunities. Unlike animals that looks for food, shelter and partner, man has a complex social life that demands much more. Even the life of animals is a race. They have to search for food and shelter, avoid enemies etc. If even the basics of the needs demand a race for survival, what would be the case of complex lives of us human beings? Throughout his life, a man has to run for survival.
After decades of race, he will wear out & have to start another race – the race against death. Like a determined murderer, death will pursue its victim till he succumbs to death. The whole life of a man is a race – a never ending race, right from the instant he was born till his death.