Mr. Blogger,
This is 'The Believer' speaking. As my friend pointed out, I'm not a believer, or an atheist, or an agnostic. Then, who am I? I'm a theist. Saw the space between 'a' and 'theist'? That space creates the difference between me and an atheist. I'll explain.
We both believe in the knowledge imparted to us by science. But, as you may be aware, scientific knowledge consists of either proven facts or hypotheses. The former, we can trust blindly. But, as far as the later is concerned, we've to be very careful while using them in our assumptions or in our theories. My friend prefers to consider hypotheses as facts. I think, this is a BIG mistake. The reason is, someday you could be wrong!! this is the point, where we both differ. He says, there is no God. He doesn't need a God to start the universe. According to him, the universe is self starting. He may present many 'ideas' with this statement. Yes! I said 'ideas' and not facts. They may or may not be able to substantiate what he said. His unbridled use of such hypotheses is what I oppose.
Most people think of me as an atheist, primarily because of my attitude towards religion. Let me make it quite clear. An atheist is defined as a person who doesn't believe in God. There is no mention of the word religion anywhere here. A person believing in God needn't be a die-hard or even a moderate believer of a religion. I don't think God is confined to any religion. My belief is that, this supreme creator is not bound by the shackles of religion. But, he is chained in the minds of humane beings.
I was born in a religion. So, I still belong to it. I think a religion is a path to know God. But still, I don't believe in any religion, as they still don't know who God is, and where to find him.
As I've pointed out earlier, God is always with us, as Love. So, am I saying “God is Love”?
No, no... my belief is “Love is God”.